FYI - Psalty was created in 1980 by Ernie Rettino & Debby Kerner Rettino (2 people I am ver-r-r-r-y close to). The video market in the Christian world really didn't exist before Psalty. It was Kids Praise 4 (the album that was nominated for a Grammy Award) that blazed the trail. I had to beg the record company to make a second video (Kids Praise 5). Today we take for granted that things like videos and DVDs and CDs always existed, but not true Li'l Praisers. Back in 1984 this was cutting edge Christianity. Folks just didn't have the vision, and if they did, it was usually thought of as something that was probably evil.
You should also know that before every album and video we created we prayed and surrendered everything to God. The prayer was usually something like, "Lord, this is your project. What do you want to say to your people?" Then we would sit and try to be creative...nothing came for days. Then usually about the fourth day or so the river would begin to flow. Basically what was happening was we tried in our own strength to fulfill God's Promise of meeting our needs. When we were completely exhausted and gave up then He supplied. I have heard many creative folks speak of similar experiences when creating.
Even though God rested on the 7th day from His creation of the world, He is still creating today through you and I. And when presenting the Gospel, using every creative tool at our disposal is essential and life-giving to the ones who are doing the creating and to the ones who are receiving the message. Over 30 years of fruit producing in terms of salvation and changed lives as a result of this ministry speaks volumes to that Truth.
We have seen hundreds of thousands of kids and adults make commitments to Christ at our Billy Graham Kidz Gigs, Luis Palau Kids Celebrations, Harvest Kids Crusades, Psalty Funtastic Praise Parties and from kids watching videos and DVDs and listening to CD's and tapes through the years. The original marketing prediction for the first Kids Praise Album was 30,000 units. We were excited to think that we could reach 30, 000 kids. BUt that album sold over a million copies.The series sold over 6 million, and is still selling today. The messages are timeless...and the music is still fun.
Everyday we receive many emails of testimonies from folks who say things like, "I accepted Christ when I was 4 at your Psalty concert. I want you to know that I am still a Christian today. I'm 30 years old and God still uses the words of the songs to minister to me".
When we stepped out in faith to create the first Kids Praise Album we had no clue as to what God had in mind for this ministry. It was produced in at least 14 languages, and it's difficult to go anywhere in the world where someone hasn't heard of Psalty the Singing Songbook. The man who was the voice of God on Psalty's Christmas Calamity tells of how he was in Africa with his own ministry, back in some deep jungle area in the Congo where there was no electricity. He preached one night and children came up afterwards recognizing that he was the voice of God on their Psalty tape.
I have so-o-o-o many stories and testimonies to tell. One day I may write a book. Some make you laugh, some make you cry, some make you jump for joy...and all your stories are the blessings of God and His handiwork. My personal email address is I would to hear your story.
God loves you!
Still your friend,